Christ University
Established in July 1969, Christ College became the most preferred educational institution in the city of Bengaluru within the first three decades. From 1990 it initiated path breaking reforms in higher education with the introduction of innovative and modern curricula, insistence on academic discipline, imparting of Holistic Education and the support of creative and dedicated staff. Today Christ University is rated among the top ten educational institutions of the country.
Christ campus is a beautiful green and clean place. The high amount and variety of trees and plants make the campus into a serene atmosphere, which is a nice change of scene in the big scene.
Centre for Social Action
The Centre of Social Action is a part of Christ University. It is a students’ movement for a humane and just society with children as primary focus. CSA addresses issues related to child rights, socio-economic development of women, youths and farmers, community mobilization and environment/climate change issues.
As part of Christ University, CSA primarily focuses on student communities and their sensitization on various issues affecting the poor and marginalized sections of the society. CSA was initiated with the intention of enabling the student community to imbibe the values of social responsibility, as envisaged in the Core Values, Vision and the Mission of Christ University.
CSA believes in strengthening student community with a view to enabling positive changes in the society. This is one of the driving forces for establishment of CSA, and remains as the motivating factor for undertaking various developmental projects and social sensitization programmes. CSA intends to create a community of empathetic students who can work proactively for the society.