LR Nagar
LR Nagar is a slum in Koramangala which you are definitely going to visit. When you enter the slum you will notice a lot of activity. Everywhere are people and animals. Most of the time people spend their days outside the slum. The women who stay at home are always busy doing something; laundry, cooking, take care of the children, selling fruits or vegetables.
You are going to visit different projects in LR Nagar. HAN University and the CSA started a collaboration to empower the communities in Bangalore. All the projects together are supposed to make small changes every year, so that in the end you’ll see a big positive change in the community.
The day-care centre is a place where working mothers in LR Nagar can send their children in the age group 18 months to 2, 5 years to be taken care of when the mothers go and work. In the centre you can help by playing with the children and teaching them small words in English in a playful way. For your project you will mainly focus on nutrition aspects, educational aspects and the contact with the mothers.
The Activity centre is where the older children in LR Nagar come after school to do their homework and for after school activities. You can teach the children some words in your language during a class, give dance and singing class and help them getting their homework done.
The transit school is a school for students which are irregular or not attending school at all. The reason for their drop-out varies. For many students Financial and/or family problems makes them unable to attend a regular school. As a student you show up at the transit school to help the teacher with her daily activities and teach the children, mostly math and English. Another important thing is that you will full fill a supporting role for the teacher. Also important is the improving of the teaching curriculum at the transit school, the children need to be challenged at their own different levels.